America Bless God Ministry

Fallacies: Some Traditions VS Facts/Truths

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Randolf S. Foster makes some penetrating comments on the moral turpitude (baseness; vileness; depravity; shameful wickedness) of clinging to error once we know the truth:

          The known and willful support or perpetuation of an error is a crime against humanity and a sin against Him who is Truth.  To cling to error or defend error when one has reason to suspect it may be error reveals a heart that does not fully love the truth for the truth’s sake. 

          To strenuously support and shield from scrutiny what we believe when we are aware that its truth is questionable reveals a heart that is not completely candid.  We are supposed to be children of light, and to be afraid to shine light upon what we believe shows a love still for darkness. 

          To stop short in curable error is criminal; to cherish delusions after we have been forced to suspect them is debasing to our moral nature.

          To persist in a belief against evidence, to refuse evidence or avoid proof…shows insincerity and lack of moral integrity.  Slavish adherence to inherited traditions, merely on the ground of their wide acceptance and long continuance, would forbid the overthrow of error and the acceptance of redeeming truth.

          If a doctrine cannot bear the light of the Scriptures and reason—If it is shown to be false and unreasonable under their burning light, it must consent to shrivel up and perish with all other error.

          One more passage from Randolf S. Foster’s “Studies in Theology” states:

Although all men have an innate and genuine thirst after truth and a corresponding disgust for error, to the acceptance of certain truths—and absolute hatred of them, because they differ from what we now believe, because they require the confession that we have been mistaken and have held error—so the mind will not give them fair treatment—It hardens against them and imposes unjust tests and will not give them the courtesy of fair and respectful attention.  Prejudices, vicious habits of thought, pride of opinion and of denominational belief, ignorance, suspicion, bigotry, blind following of religious and denominational leaders so becloud and benumb the mind that it cannot and will not see its own errors, or the truth of others—when with a little unprejudiced examination the truth could be seen.

Guy’s Comments:  Let’s face it, as humans, no one wants to feel bad about ourselves (not you, not me, and not anyone).  However, if we are unwilling to allow ourselves to be convicted (that awful guilt awareness) by the Holy Spirit if we choose to sin (mastered/controlled by our flesh), and unwilling to confess/repent of it, then the true comfort from the Holy Spirit (The True Comforter) will never be ours. 

          1 Peter 5:5,6 says, “…and all of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, for God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble.  Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you at the proper time.”  Pride is sin.  Seeking self supremely over God’s will for our lives is selfishness and pride; we label it as sin.  We may look at sin very lightly, but because pride is sin we must fully realize (with real eyes/spiritual eyes) in light of the Scripture above that while remaining in the state of sin we not only lack God’s grace (as God only gives grace to the humble), but God is opposed to the proud as well. 

          Since we are saved by grace through faith, our obedience of faith from our hearts is the manifestation in our lives that we have fully received, embraced and continue in God’s grace (a free gift) by beginning and remaining in humilitySalvation is a continuum: We are saved, we are being saved, and we will be saved as we simply receive God’s free gift of grace, and His Holy Spirit by faith on His terms.  If God’s awesome Gospel and grace does not save us from sin, then what is the Good News???  A quote by Albert Barnes sums it up quite sufficiently, “Christians do not merit the favor of God by their faith and good works, but their obedience is an indispensable condition on which that favor is to be continued.