America Bless God Ministry

America Bless God Ministry

Our Story

Guy & Dani Morrison met in the 1980s, quickly fell in love, and began a rocky, married life together. Soon into their marriage, they dealt with deep brokenness and sin that tempted to destroy them. They battled through alcohol and drug abuse, challenging situations with foster children, medical trauma with all three of their biological children, demonic possession or oppression, porn addiction, the consequences of a past abortion, and more. Eventually, both Guy & Dani found freedom through Jesus Christ, and their lives began to radically change.

In 2013, their world was turned upside-down when Dani was diagnosed with stage four cancer that doctors believed would end her life. Interestingly, just weeks before receiving her diagnosis, the Morrisons were asked by a conference speaker, “When your whole world falls apart, will you still proclaim the goodness of God?”

After multiple surgeries, Dani’s face was cut up and rearranged, leaving her with a tracheostomy tube and facial disfigurement. Viewing his wife with God’s eyes, Guy was able to embrace a deeper beauty in Dani, and together, they have found incredible hope and love in their “new normal.” Guy & Dani have spent years helping the down-and-out, the orphaned, the homeless, and the “undesirables.” They are a father and mother to many and have accepted God’s call to love those in need of a family. Through the trials, Guy & Dani’s intimacy with each other and with Jesus has just gotten better and better. Their story is an incredible memoir of discovering beautiful redemption in Jesus and leaning into His goodness NO MATTER WHAT.

Guy and Dani Morrison live in Santa Ana, California, where they are currently enjoying retirement together. They are the proud parents of three wonderful adult children, they have fostered nine children over the years, and they are “mom and dad” to many other individuals. Their home is a safe haven for many people in need of love, as they’ve embraced God’s call to care for the needy, lonely, and orphaned. Guy & Dani passionately love Jesus and owe everything to His glory.


GUY AND DANI MORRISON CURRENTLY RESIDE IN Santa Ana, California, where they are enjoying retirement together. They are the proud parents of three wonderful adult children, and they also had nine beloved foster children over the years. Guy and Dani have become “mom and dad” to many other treasured individuals as well. Their home remains a safe haven for people in need of love, as they’ve embraced their Heavenly Father’s call to care for the needy, lonely, and orphaned. Guy & Dani passionately love Jesus and owe everything to His marvelous glory.

CAITLIN GUESS LIVES AND WORKS IN CALIFORNIA but also frequently travels to Uganda, her “second home.” With the help of her husband, Brian, and her friends, she runs a nonprofit called Thrive Global that supports local leaders in vulnerable African communities. Caitlin is passionate about empowering Ugandans and working to create solutions that help people rise above poverty. She also has a deep love for nature, outdoor adventures, and the art of storytelling. Jesus is her hope and motivation in everything she does.

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Our Book


First and foremost, we dedicate this book to our Triune God-Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Without You, we would have no story worth sharing and certainly no God-glorifying testimony. You are indeed our First Love!

Next, we dedicate this book to our three precious children: Anthony Michael, Joshua Alan, and Angela Grace. As parents, we have dedicated you to our Lord, Jesus Christ. You intimately share most of our story, and we love you more deeply than words can express.

Lastly, we dedicate this book to the memory of our beloved mothers: For their lives reflected self-sacrificing devotion to our family. We will be eternally grateful.


You have so much to say, dear Dani. To live with your ‘thorn’ uncomplainingly – that is, sweet, patient and free in heart to love and help others, even though every day you feel weak – is true sanctification. It is true healing for the spirit. It is a supreme victory of grace.” J.I. Packer wrote that, and it describes you so perfectly.Many blessings and much success…Joni


Our only HOPE, LIFE & SALVATION is in Jesus Christ through His Holy Spirit.  Yes, we are all a breath away from sin because of our propensity, proclivity, susceptibility, and bent to gratify our flesh.  Yes, we have all sinned and fall short of the glory of God, but by God’s grace through faith, we can now experience total forgiveness and a LIFE EXCHANGE with Jesus Christ who is perfect.  

No matter how we were born or what sin we’ve gotten ourselves into; Jesus calls us to be BORN AGAIN of the SPIRIT OF GOD.  God is a God of Miracles and Mercy who offers everyone a NEW BIRTH and a NEW LIFE now ruled and controlled by His Holy Spirit through His Awesome Gospel.  The offer is yours.  Please accept this free gift today.  Your Heavenly Father is waiting.



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Pregnancy Resources

LivingWell Resources Counseling Services:LivingWell Pregnancy Centers (714) 633-4673Low-cost counseling for LivingWell patients.Individual, couples and family

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Community Involvement

Homeless/Orphan Ministry
Freedom From Sin/Addictions

TEEN CHALLENGE has been such a blessing for many who have experienced either homelessness, drug addiction, indulgence to pornography or all of the above. It is a one year voluntary program, free of charge to the individual, which operates on donations. Jesus Christ is the center of this program. Room and board are provided to anyone who is serious about becoming free of their physical addictions and free in Christ by laying their sin on the altar and receiving Him as Lord and Savior of their lives. Great compassion is shown to these individuals with the necessary discipline to truly experience a LIFE EXCHANGE with Jesus Christ who is their only HOPE, LIFE & SALVATION.

First Love OC Prayer Gathering

For years, I continued to minister to the homeless with my “new face. My burden for the homeless, addicts, and orphans continued to b within me.  Now that I  was medically retired,  I  certainly was blessed with more time to spend with the precious ones on the streets.  

Dani's full OC Register Article

SANTA ANA. Dani Morrison kneels on the asphalt, offering the man in the wheelchair a homemade sandwich and a tumbler of cold water. She addresses him as “Parker,” but it’s unclear if that is his first or last name.

He is a homeless transient Morrison has encountered near her neighborhood –  behind Target, in front of a liquor store, on the bicycle trail where she meets him on this day. Always, as Morrison sees it, vulnerable. The bike trail is semi-secluded from neighboring buildings by bushes, and she worries that someone might bother him. His face, hands, swollen bare feet, and clothes

DVD/Songs Gallery

1. Jesus is Waiting
2. Ever So Much
3. Altar Sacrifice
4. No More Than
1. Is there something missing?
2. Believe
3. Prove Him True
4. Jesus the Great Healer
5. All about Jesus
6. Consecrate Yourselves
7. The Great Name
8. Disciples for Christ
9. No Matter What
10. Reconcile to God
11. Everlasting Way
12. Praise Your Name
13. Movin Mountains
14. Trust in the Lord
15. Gods Awesome Word
16. Oh, Martha, Martha
17. Eternal Love
18. Come you Heavy Laden
19. Exceeding Abundantly
20. Yesterday, Today and Forever
21. Union with Christ
22. The Lilly of the Valley
23. Wait upon the Lord
24. The Beatitudes
25. Lord God, Most High
26. Jesus Saves
27. Psalm 121

Family & Friends


No Matter What

Boldy proclaiming the Goodness of God
in spite of life’s storms.

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Donations for Uganda/Haiti

To help support Yves Regaillard and Vision for Haiti’s

Tommorrow, please visit his website or email him:

To help support Thrive Global, the Ugandan nonprofit Caitlin

Guess manages, please visit her website or email her:

Lastly, we welcome invitations to share our journey and proclaim the goodness of God in churches, cancer support groups, and any other avenues of outreach.